Tackk, Geogebra, and Dilations…

Ever since I discovered Tackk I’ve been eager to use it as a way to deliver content to students.

Our 8th graders have been learning about transformations without the benefit of any geometry software.  There have been issues with our license for Geometer’s Sketchpad, which is the software that we have used in the past.

I’ve fiddled with Geogebra here and there…but, have not found the time to truly sit down and figure it out.  However, I pay close attention to what these folks are doing: @a_mcsquared, @MathButler, and @mathhombre.

I spent a good chunk of my time this past Friday figuring out how to create this lesson on Geogebra so that I could upload it to GeogebraTube.  I kind of geeked out when I figured it all out…because now I can really see all of the possibilities.  And…I can understand the hype!

I decided to deliver the entire content of this lesson using Tackk because…it’s just so easy!!!  I’m pretty pleased with what I came up with…although I know there is always room for improvement.

Check out my Tackk…

Image of Dilations Lesson


Here is the link to the organizer for the Dilations Explorations.

I would love feedback on what I’ve put together!!!

Using Tackk to Share with Colleagues

I heard the best quote from a colleague last week…she said

“I used to think learning math was about doing, doing, doing…and now I know it’s about meaningfully doing.”

I’m not gonna lie…I got a little tear in my eye when I heard that phrase.

As an instructional coach (technically my title is Instructional Resource Teacher), I struggle with how much to share re: all of the great resources that I come across.  There are SO MANY great things out there…but it can be very overwhelming.  I decided that if I really want people to take in some of these resources…I need to find a bite-size delivery model.

@RafranzDavis always has great Ed-Tech resources to share…and one she shared recently was Tackk.

Tackk image for wordpress

(You can read more about how Rafranz has used Tackk here.)  

I decided to check out the site myself, and couldn’t believe the ease of use.  And IT’S FREE!

I had been looking for a way to deliver content and updates to the math department at my school~so, I decided to see what it would look like in this format.

Here is what I came up with:
See on Tackk.com

Notice I shared one blog post, a quick video, a link to a print resource…and then some important dates and updates for our department.

I plan to do this weekly…I know there are a lot of other uses for this technology and maybe my colleagues will explore how it could be used in their classroom.